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Racial-Ethnic Identity Worksheets
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Social Justice and Inclusion
Below are a sampling of books and articles. For many more resources, visit this google folder.
Anti-Bias Teaching
Anti-Bias Early Childhood Teaching
Development of Prejudice in Children
Multicultural Education and Diversity
Sourcebooks on Diversity and Social Justice
Narratives and Studies of Classroom Experience
Anti-Bias Teaching
- Adams, M., Bell, L. A., & Griffin, P. (Eds.). (1997). Teaching for diversity and social justice: A sourcebook for teachers and trainers. New York: Routledge.
- Ariza, E. N. (2006). Not for ESOL teachers: What every classroom teacher needs to know about the linguistically, culturally, and ethnically diverse students. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Education, Inc.
- Aronson, E., & Patnoe, S. (1997). The jigsaw classroom: Building cooperation in the classroom (2nd ed.). New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
- Byrnes, D. A., & Kiger, G. (Eds.) (1996). Common bonds: Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society (2nd ed.). Wheaton, MD: Association for Childhood Education International.
- Christensen, L. (2000). Reading, writing, and rising up: Teaching about social justice and the power of the written word. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.
- Davidson, F. H., & Davidson, M. (1994). Changing childhood prejudice: The caring work of the schools. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
- Derman-Sparks, L. (1999). Teaching/learning anti-racism. New York: Teacher College Press.
- Salend, S. J. (2001). Creating inclusive classrooms: Effecting and reflective practices (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.
- Stephan, W. G. (1999). Reducing prejudice and stereotyping in schools. New York: Teachers College Press.
Anti-Bias Early Childhood Teaching
- Bisson, J. (1997). Celebrate!: An anti-bias guide to enjoying the holidays in early childhood programs. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
- Derman-Sparks, L. & A. B. C. Task Force (1989). Anti-bias curriculum: Tools for empowering young children. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
- Derman-Sparks, L.,& Olsen Edwards, J. (2012). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves (2nd ed.). New York: NAEYC.
- Derman Sparks, L., & Ramsey, P. (2006). What if all the kids are White?: Anti-bias multicultural education with young children and families. (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press.
- Ren-Etta Sullivan, D. (2016). Cultivating the Genius of Black Children: Strategies to Close the Achievement Gap in the Early Years. RedLeaf Press.
- York, S. (1991). Roots & wings: Affirming culture in early childhood programs. St. Paul, Minnesota: Redleaf Press.
Development of Prejudice in Children
- Aboud, F. (1989). Children and prejudice. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- Cullingford, C. (2000). Prejudice: From individual identity to nationalism in young people. London: Kogan Page Ltd.
- Fishbein, H. D. (2002). Peer prejudice and discrimination: The origins of prejudice (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Holmes, R. M. (1995). How young children perceive race. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Van Ausdale, D., & Feagin, J. R. (2001). The first r: How children learn race and racism. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Multicultural Education and Diversity
- Banks, J. A. (2001). Cultural diversity and education: Foundations, curriculum, and teaching (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
- Banks, J. A., & Banks, C. A. M. (Eds.). (2003). Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives (updated 4th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Delpit, L. (1995). Other people's children: Cultural conflict in the classroom. New York: New Press.
- Dilg, M. (1999). Race and culture in the classroom. New York, Teachers College Press.
- Gay, G. (2000). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice. New York: Teachers College Press.
- hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. New York: Routledge.
- Marshall, P. L. (2002). Cultural diversity in our schools. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
- Nieto, S. (1999). The light in their eyes: Creating multicultural learning communities. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Nieto, S. (2000). Affirming diversity: The sociopolitical context of multicultural education (3rd ed.). New York: Longman.
- Ramsey, P. G., Williams, L. R., & Vold, E. B. (2002). Multicultural education: A source book (2nd ed.). New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Shade, B. J., Kelly, C., & Oberg, M. (1997). Creating culturally responsive classrooms. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Sourcebooks on Diversity and Social Justice
- Adams, M., Bell, L. A., & Griffin, P. (Eds.). (2010). Readings for diversity and social justice: An anthology on racism, antisemitism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and classism. New York: Routledge.
- Ayers, W., Hunt, J. A., & Quinn, T. (Eds.). (1998). Teaching for social justice: A democracy and education reader. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Danks, C., & Rabinsky, L. B. (Eds.). (1999). Teaching for a tolerant world, grades 9-12: Essays and resources. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
- Ferber, A., Jimenez, C., O’Reilly Herrera, A., Samuels, D. (2008). The Matrix Reader: Examining the dynamics of oppression and privilege. University of Colorado.
- Hall, N. S. (1999). Creative Resources for the Anti-Bias Classroom. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers.
- Lee, E. (Ed.). (2002). Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Teaching for Change.
- Osler, A. (2016). Human Rights and Schooling: An Ethical Framework for Teaching for Social Justice. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Sensoy, O. and DiAngelo (2012). Is everyone really equal? An Introduction to key concepts in social justice education. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Valenzuela, A. (2016). Growing critically conscious teachers: A social justice curriculum for educators of Latino/a youth. New York: Teachers College Press.
Narratives and Studies of Classroom Experience
- Alvarado, C., et. al. (1999). In our own way: How anti-bias work shapes our lives. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
- Delpit, L., & Dowdy, J. K. (Eds.). (2002). The skin that we speak: Thoughts on language and culture in the classroom. New York: New Press.
- Howard, G. R. (1999). We can't teach what we don't know: White teachers, multiracial schools. New York: Teachers Press.
- Ladson-Billings, G. (1994). The dreamkeepers: successful teachers of African-American children. San Fransisco, Jossey-Bass Publishers.
- Paley, V. G. (1995). Kwanzaa and me: A teacher's story. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Anderson, M. L., & Collins, P. H. (Eds). (2012). Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology. California: Wadsworth Publishing.
- Cross, William E. (1991). Shades of Black: Diversity in African American Identity. Temple University Press.
- Gándara, P. & Contreras, F. (2010). Achieving Equity for Latino Students (Multicultural Education Series). Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
- Hammond, Z. (2015). Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. Corwin: A Sage Company
- Talusan, L. (2022). The Identity Conscious Educator: Building Habits and Skills for a More Inclusive School. Solution Tree Press
- Nam, V. (2001). Yell-Oh Girls Emerging Voices Explore Culture, Identity and Growing Up Asian American. New York: Harper Perennial.
- Noguera, P., Hurtado, A., Fergus, E. (Eds). (2011). Invisible No More: Understanding the disenfranchisement of Latino men and boys. Routledge.
- Palmer, J. (2011). The Dance of Identities: Korean adoptees and their journey toward empowerment. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
- Singleton, G. E., & Linton, C. (2005). Courageous conversations about race: A field guide for achieving equity in schools. California: Corwin Press Inc.
- Stevenson, H. C. (2013). Promoting racial literacy in schools: Differences that make a difference. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Tatum, B. D. (2008). Can we talk about race?: And other conversations in an era of school resegregation Boston: Beacon Press.
- Tatum, B. D. (2003). Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? New York: Basic Books.
Anti-Bias Parenting
Arnow, J. (1995). Teaching peace: How to raise children to live in harmony -- without fear, without prejudice, without violence
Baxley, T. (2021). Social Justice Parenting: How to raise compassionate anti-racist, justice-minded kids in an unjust world. Harper Wave
Ben Jelloun, T. (1999). Racism explained to my daughter
Bronson, P., & Merryman, A. (2011). Nurture shock: New thinking about children
Chugh, D. (2018). The person you mean to be: How good people fight bias. Harper Collins Publishing
Mathias, B., & French, M. A. (1996). 40 ways to raise a nonracist child
Reddy, M. T. (Ed.). (1996). Everyday acts against racism: Raising children in a multiracial world.
Stern-LaRosa, C., & Bettmann, E. H. (2000). The anti-defamation league's hate hurts: How children learn and unlearn prejudice.
Development of Prejudice in Children
Aboud, F. (1989). Children and prejudice
Cullingford, C. (2000). Prejudice: From individual identity to nationalism in young people
Fishbein, H. D. (2002). Peer prejudice and discrimination: The origins of prejudice
Holmes, R. M. (1995). How young children perceive race
Van Ausdale, D., & Feagin, J. R. (2001). The first r: How children learn race and racism
Brill, S., & Kenney, L. (2016). The transgender teen: A handbook for parents and professional supporting transgender and non-binary teens
Jennings, K. (2006). Mama’s boy; preacher’s son: A memoir
Owens-Reid, D., & Russo, K. (2014). This is a book for parents of gay kids
Nam, V. (2001). Yell-oh girls!: Emerging voices explore culture, identity, and growing up Asian American
Palmer, J. D. (2010). The dance of identities: Korean adoptees and their journey toward empowerment
Slapin, B. & Seale, D. (Eds.). (1998). Through Indian eyes: The native experience in books for children
Tatum, B. D. (1999). Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? And other conversations about race
Socioeconomic Class
Kozol, J. (1992). Savage Inequalities: Children in America's schools
Lareau, A. (2011). Unequal childhoods: Class, race, and family life
New York Times, (2005). Class matters
Whiteness and Privilege
Williams, L. (2002). It's the Little Things: Everyday interactions that anger, annoy, and divide the races
Kivel, P. (2002). Uprooting Racism: How White people can work for social justice
Wise, T. (2007). White Like Me: Reflections on race from a privileged son
Arnow, J. (1995). Teaching peace: How to raise children to live in harmony -- without fear, without prejudice, without violence
Baxley, T. (2021). Social Justice Parenting: How to raise compassionate anti-racist, justice-minded kids in an unjust world. Harper Wave
Ben Jelloun, T. (1999). Racism explained to my daughter
Bronson, P., & Merryman, A. (2011). Nurture shock: New thinking about children
Chugh, D. (2018). The person you mean to be: How good people fight bias. Harper Collins Publishing
Mathias, B., & French, M. A. (1996). 40 ways to raise a nonracist child
Reddy, M. T. (Ed.). (1996). Everyday acts against racism: Raising children in a multiracial world.
Stern-LaRosa, C., & Bettmann, E. H. (2000). The anti-defamation league's hate hurts: How children learn and unlearn prejudice.
Development of Prejudice in Children
Aboud, F. (1989). Children and prejudice
Cullingford, C. (2000). Prejudice: From individual identity to nationalism in young people
Fishbein, H. D. (2002). Peer prejudice and discrimination: The origins of prejudice
Holmes, R. M. (1995). How young children perceive race
Van Ausdale, D., & Feagin, J. R. (2001). The first r: How children learn race and racism
Brill, S., & Kenney, L. (2016). The transgender teen: A handbook for parents and professional supporting transgender and non-binary teens
Jennings, K. (2006). Mama’s boy; preacher’s son: A memoir
Owens-Reid, D., & Russo, K. (2014). This is a book for parents of gay kids
Nam, V. (2001). Yell-oh girls!: Emerging voices explore culture, identity, and growing up Asian American
Palmer, J. D. (2010). The dance of identities: Korean adoptees and their journey toward empowerment
Slapin, B. & Seale, D. (Eds.). (1998). Through Indian eyes: The native experience in books for children
Tatum, B. D. (1999). Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? And other conversations about race
Socioeconomic Class
Kozol, J. (1992). Savage Inequalities: Children in America's schools
Lareau, A. (2011). Unequal childhoods: Class, race, and family life
New York Times, (2005). Class matters
Whiteness and Privilege
Williams, L. (2002). It's the Little Things: Everyday interactions that anger, annoy, and divide the races
Kivel, P. (2002). Uprooting Racism: How White people can work for social justice
Wise, T. (2007). White Like Me: Reflections on race from a privileged son
White Anti-Racist People & Whiteness
Andrea Ayvazian
Interrupting the Cycle of Oppression: The Role of Allies as Agents of Change
Elizabeth Denevi -
Whiteness: Helping White Students and Educators Understand Their Role in a Multicultural Society in NAIS Magazine, Fall 2001
Louise Derman Sparks
* Anti-Bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children
* w/Olsen Edwards. Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves
* What if all the kids are white?: Anti-bias multicultural education with young children and families
Paul Gorski -
Narrative on Whiteness and Multicultural Education
Debby Irving
Waking up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race
Gregory Jay
Who Invented White People •Teaching About Whiteness
Judith Katz
White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racism Training
Frances Kendall
* Understanding White Privilege
* Barriers to Clarity OR What Keeps White People from being able to see our Whiteness and Therefore our Privilege
Paul Kivel -
Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice
Peggy McIntosh
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Ali Michael -
Raising Race Questions: Whiteness and Inquiry in Education
Shelly Tochluk
Witnessing Whiteness: The need to talk about race and how to do it
Tim Wise -
White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son
Interrupting the Cycle of Oppression: The Role of Allies as Agents of Change
Elizabeth Denevi -
Whiteness: Helping White Students and Educators Understand Their Role in a Multicultural Society in NAIS Magazine, Fall 2001
Louise Derman Sparks
* Anti-Bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children
* w/Olsen Edwards. Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves
* What if all the kids are white?: Anti-bias multicultural education with young children and families
Paul Gorski -
Narrative on Whiteness and Multicultural Education
Debby Irving
Waking up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race
Gregory Jay
Who Invented White People •Teaching About Whiteness
Judith Katz
White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racism Training
Frances Kendall
* Understanding White Privilege
* Barriers to Clarity OR What Keeps White People from being able to see our Whiteness and Therefore our Privilege
Paul Kivel -
Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice
Peggy McIntosh
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Ali Michael -
Raising Race Questions: Whiteness and Inquiry in Education
Shelly Tochluk
Witnessing Whiteness: The need to talk about race and how to do it
Tim Wise -
White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son
Latinx/Latine (adj.): Relating to people of Latin American origin or descent (used as a gender-neutral or non-binary alternative to Latino or Latina)
Why do I use the term Latinx or, if you want to say it all in Spanish, Latine instead of Latino or Latina? Simply put, I want to support the transgender, [a]gender and gender expansive community who are members of the pan-ethnic Latin American countries. If you are using Latinx or Latine in your every day language, thank you. If you are not and are actively refusing to, yet at the same time calling yourself an aspiring ally for the transgender, [a]gender and gender expansive community, then think again.
Alliance for Puerto Rican Education and Empowerment - APREE
Participants of APREE have been and are engaged civically and socially in the local and broader community. Many of the founders of APREE are alumni of the City University of New York. Some are retired or nearly retired. All have benefitted from growing up at a time of great change and social awareness that included giving back to our communities. These experiences have positively impacted our lives. To continue the legacy of giving back, they have founded APREE.
Download and read their latest publication below - "Not a White Paper"
¡Excelencia in Education! - See more here.
Some believe a focus on race and ethnicity divides us as a society. At Excelencia in Education, we believe acknowledging racial and ethnic trends describes our society in useful ways. Using data and analysis to identify factors that influence the success of specific student populations establishes the base line information from which to develop more effective policies, engage diverse stakeholders, and enhance the active and tactical responses needed to better serve Latino and all students.
Download and read their publication below FROM SELECTIVITY TO SUCCESS: L A T I N O S A T S E L E C T I V E INSTITUTIONS
PEW Hispanic Center - PHCPew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions.
Center for Puerto Rican Studies- Hunter City University of New York
Centro is a research institute that is dedicated to the study and interpretation of the Puerto Rican experience in the United States and that produces and disseminates relevant interdisciplinary research. Centro also collects, preserves, and provides access to library resources documenting Puerto Rican history and culture. We seek to link scholarship to social action and policy debates and to contribute to the betterment of our community and enrichment of Puerto Rican studies
Why do I use the term Latinx or, if you want to say it all in Spanish, Latine instead of Latino or Latina? Simply put, I want to support the transgender, [a]gender and gender expansive community who are members of the pan-ethnic Latin American countries. If you are using Latinx or Latine in your every day language, thank you. If you are not and are actively refusing to, yet at the same time calling yourself an aspiring ally for the transgender, [a]gender and gender expansive community, then think again.
Alliance for Puerto Rican Education and Empowerment - APREE
Participants of APREE have been and are engaged civically and socially in the local and broader community. Many of the founders of APREE are alumni of the City University of New York. Some are retired or nearly retired. All have benefitted from growing up at a time of great change and social awareness that included giving back to our communities. These experiences have positively impacted our lives. To continue the legacy of giving back, they have founded APREE.
Download and read their latest publication below - "Not a White Paper"
¡Excelencia in Education! - See more here.
Some believe a focus on race and ethnicity divides us as a society. At Excelencia in Education, we believe acknowledging racial and ethnic trends describes our society in useful ways. Using data and analysis to identify factors that influence the success of specific student populations establishes the base line information from which to develop more effective policies, engage diverse stakeholders, and enhance the active and tactical responses needed to better serve Latino and all students.
Download and read their publication below FROM SELECTIVITY TO SUCCESS: L A T I N O S A T S E L E C T I V E INSTITUTIONS
PEW Hispanic Center - PHCPew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions.
Center for Puerto Rican Studies- Hunter City University of New York
Centro is a research institute that is dedicated to the study and interpretation of the Puerto Rican experience in the United States and that produces and disseminates relevant interdisciplinary research. Centro also collects, preserves, and provides access to library resources documenting Puerto Rican history and culture. We seek to link scholarship to social action and policy debates and to contribute to the betterment of our community and enrichment of Puerto Rican studies
TEACHING early childhood
- Derman-Sparks, L. & A. B. C. Task Force (1989). Anti-bias curriculum: Tools for empowering young children. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
- Derman-Sparks, L.,& Olsen Edwards, J. (2012). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves (2nd ed.). New York: NAEYC.
- Ren-Etta Sullivan, D. (2016). Cultivating the Genius of Black Children: Strategies to Close the Achievement Gap in the Early Years. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.
- Teaching Young Children about Race: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
- Whitney, T. (1999). Kids like us: Using persona dolls in the classroom. Redleaf Press
- York, S. (1991). Roots & wings: Affirming culture in early childhood programs. St. Paul, Minnesota: Redleaf Press.
- YWCA Minneapolis (2021). Anti-bias curriculum for the preschool classroom. Redleaf Press
Lesson Plans
- Gender Spectrum - Gender Spectrum works to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all childreen and teens.
- Team Finch Consultants - Through consultancy, training, speaking, and research, TFC helps clients understand the role of gender and sexuality in preK-12 education and organizations.
- CDC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
Lesson Plans
- Ready, Set, Respect -GLSEN’s Elementary Tool Kit
- Welcoming Schools - lgbtq+ lesson plans by the Human Rights Campaign -
Until we get equality in education, we won't have an equal society."
~ Sonia Sotomayor, U.S. Supreme Court Justice